this and that...and all

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Extra terrestrial life

Is there life other than on Earth? Nobody directly put me that question till now, but I asked myself and came up with a response. I think there is extra terrestrial life. My reasoning is this, on this planet, life needs oxygen or carbon-di-oxide, water, light. Similarly on another planet or some other satellite life may need nitrogen, hydrogen or a different element altogether. Our scope of knowledge is limited to the elements that we have discovered till now. But there may be many unknown elements in this universe and some of them may support life.


Of all the things I like, Clouds are given a special place in the list. Not the top, but somewhere among the first few. I very much love watching the clouds admiring the genius of the God who could make such wonderful creation. But unfortunately, I couldn't watch the clouds for long time...because clouds are drifting always and my thoughts also drift away while I am watching them. I couldn't concentrate though I enjoy those few moments.

get away....

Sometimes I feel like I want to go away. Go away from all these things around me, computers, buildings, vehicles.. all of them. Its not renunciation nor its a holiday, its just that I want to feel how it will be like being in Nature. I want to go away to someplace where I can see nothing but God made things. I would like to go deep into some rain forest where there is nothing but greenery. Sit there on the grass near a stream bed and watch the water flow over the stones... that would be great. Ain't it?

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

America America

I wanna go to USA. I may sound like just another Indian software professional dreaming of going to USA. I have my reasons. Well, everyone have their own. But at least one of my reasons is slightly different. It is that I miss my friend. I wanna spend some good time with my childhood buddy. He deserves a separate post in my blog so, more about him later. As for the other reasons for me going to USA are the usual ones. Career, money and well, u know what comes next... haha

A movie a day keeps what away?

That was the question my friend asked me once. I said 'sleep'. Yeah, I use some three hours of my daily bed time on a movie. I watch one movie almost daily. It became almost a habit for me. I like movies. I watch any movie in any language as long as I feel it will be good. I watch some for entertainment and some for knowing about new things, new places and also history. There is no all time favorite movie for me all the time. It keeps on changing...hehe. For now, it is Lord of the Rings. Really superb movie trilogy.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Till now I had no complaints about anything except one. I had one question burning me for a very short period of my life. Then I was 15 yrs old. The incident is my father's on the spot death in an accident. I asked no one in particular, Why he must leave us all so suddenly? I didn't even had chance to say Goodbye while he left home that night. But instead of worrying much about it, I moved on. I changed my life. I started to see things differently.

Nothing in this life is permanent. Time changes everything. Then why worry? Why pray for this and that and feel down when your wish doesn't come true? Just leave it to Time. Drift along. Mold yourself into the situation you are given into. Then you will not feel any pain. I guarantee.

This is not philosophy, mind you. I am a very practical guy. I know this is easy say than done. One can at least give it a try.

Being lucky

Listening and reading about what people have to say about the suffering they went through in their past, I consider myself lucky in many ways. Be it family, love, friendship or anything else. Not that I am invincible or great, i believe it is pure luck, to have such a great family. Good friends. Warm and caring love. Well not lady love, so no heart breaks and things like that..haha.
I don't know how long this luck of mine will last. But who cares? The thing is I don't care much about future. I am a 'live your life NOW' kind of a guy.


I like Google. I admire what it is doing to this world. To quote Sir Francis Bacon, 'Knowledge is power'. Google may make it true. Read this article.

Imagining the Google Future

If you take it from me, I would say one of those scenarios is going to be true. But I would like if it is the last one. hehe...

Questions, questions and more questions

Why, where, who, when....But 'why?' is the question that I want to be answered most. Why? Coz thats what is interesting. isn't it? A lot of things happen around us everyday. How many times have we stopped and thought why the things are working the way they are? I do it most of the times. My friends and colleagues may think I am a freak. But to me, knowing about things is very important. Thats what keeps my batteries running.

Desperately seeking that friendly smile....

Its been almost one year I have come to Singapore. I have been searching for that smile from the day one. No success till now. Well can say 'no complete success'. Not that Singaporeans are unfriendly but I find them very much involved in their own world. That too very stressed out world. There is good side and bad side for this. Singapore became kinda financial hub in this part of the world. Thats a good thing. But on the other side, people became more and more separated from each other. Although thats my opinion, it is supported by one of my Singaporean friends. Her way of saying is, Singaporeans should once in a while take time to 'stop and smell the flowers'. haha...I like that expression.