this and that...and all

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

America America

I wanna go to USA. I may sound like just another Indian software professional dreaming of going to USA. I have my reasons. Well, everyone have their own. But at least one of my reasons is slightly different. It is that I miss my friend. I wanna spend some good time with my childhood buddy. He deserves a separate post in my blog so, more about him later. As for the other reasons for me going to USA are the usual ones. Career, money and well, u know what comes next... haha

A movie a day keeps what away?

That was the question my friend asked me once. I said 'sleep'. Yeah, I use some three hours of my daily bed time on a movie. I watch one movie almost daily. It became almost a habit for me. I like movies. I watch any movie in any language as long as I feel it will be good. I watch some for entertainment and some for knowing about new things, new places and also history. There is no all time favorite movie for me all the time. It keeps on changing...hehe. For now, it is Lord of the Rings. Really superb movie trilogy.